Hello, never a dull moment I guess.
The map issue has been taken care of.
The ravine is left of the decrepit chapel, which is left of the lake.
John sells drinks when he works at the bar, Rusty Mead is one of them.
This is related to a quest database bug which has been fixed. You aren’t supposed to be able to get here yet. Unfortunately, the corruption in data is so widespread at this point that quest data is going to end up getting reset for everyone.
I’m looking into these messages. They are only supposed to play if your inventory is full as you probably guessed. Why they are playing now is beyond me. The reason you don’t get your resources back is because the game only tracks what you give to the NPC when there is the danger of your inventory being full. All of the new quests don’t give a physical reward so the game doesn’t track what you give to the NPC and therefore can’t give it back. If I had to guess I’d say this is related to the quest database corruption in general but I haven’t proven it yet. I’m hoping to get this solved prior to resetting quest data.
As for Lorelei jumping from bed to the dining room chair, two things. First, what was the season and weather that day? And second when you say jumped what do you mean? Like she literally went from bed to the chair instantly, or just walked very fast or something?