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Poor MC!

I feel for MC!

After all, MC is taking the anger directed toward the King and Queen. I know the King and Queen weren't the best rulers, but people should understand that MC and his/her siblings hadn't any political power to right the wrongs ... yet

So, I hope MC reclaims his/her throne and takes revenge on those that betrayed the Peg'asi family. Some say you can choose your family, others say you can't choose your family. Regardless MC is bound by blood to the Peg'asi birthright and should focus on fulfilling his/her duty as amends for causing their untimely deaths. 

I want MC to step up, not to take the 'easier' way out. I don't believe MC can escape who he/she is or who he/she was/is meant to be. I think that if MC spends more time traveling to these impoverished parts, then MC can find a way to help those in need as the new reigning king/queen and build a better legacy for his/her family. 


Sorry to kinda ruin your rant a bit, but this is SUPER spoilery so if you could just put a spoiler warning up before your rant, that'll be perfect for people that haven't played this/the newest chapter yet


I put a spoiler warning.