Name: kuro 黒 ( thank you Google translate)
Age: 15
Hight: 5/3
Weight: 180
Blood type: O
personality: shy/ got a dark sense of humor
Sexual orientation: bisexual
Favorite food: rice omelet, coffee jelly, takoyaki, grilled skewers
Least favorite food: raw vegetables, pickled plums
Likes: reading, writing
Dislikes: Michelle (personal reasons)
Future goal: become an accomplished writer
Dream job: horror writer
Phobia(s): heights
Friend(s): Suzume
Skills: creative writing, mountain climbing
Special talents: can hold his breath for 10 minutes
Extra information: there are a couple reasons why he doesn't like Michelle, one his crush has a crush on her, two she accidentally said his writing was bad (she just lets stuff slip out sometimes) , and three he finds how calm she is annoying
(Do i ship them? Idk )