Disclaimer: I consider myself being on the far left spectrum of politics. I also live in Europe, and it doesn't mean exactly the same thing than in the US.
I see a lot of contradictions in this thread. Some of you suggest that conservative views are in minority, and feel pressured, even though the US just elected Trump. What you may experience is just public discourse. No one prevent you from expressing your views, but why would anyone expect to not face counter points when they become vocal about their opinion?
I keep seeing the sentence "pushing their agenda" which is really puzzling. I don't think most of gamedev, leftists or not, start making a game to push an hypothetical agenda. Gamedev is hard enough like that, why would they try to achieve anything in this direction, for what purpose? No, what happens instead, is that gamedevs may want to express a message or a particular view point on our current societies. But that's quite personal, the same way a book author would write a story dealing with racism, or poverty.
To demonstrate that, let's take my case for example. In the future, I would like to build more games that are less violent, don't rely on imperialist mechanics (i.e. colonisation, expansion, war, etc), or don't use basic capitalism as a core loop. Why do I want to do that? To push an agenda? What agenda exactly? No, I just want to create more games aligned with my political views, that's all. And when you see the ocean of shooters, 4x games, and what not where you kill everything, I don't think my own effort will change anything at this level.
If by "pushing their agenda" you just mean the evolution and mutation of societies to a more progressive mindset, then it's just a natural shift, something that happens all the time.
As for games, they are not supposed to "be" anything. A game that makes you sad is still a game. A game that makes you think is still a game. A game does not have to be fun. Most games are designed to be, though. And I don't agree with the idea that games must be apolitical at all cost. Why games should be void of politics? Moreover, being neutral is just a way to support the default politics, and as for now, the default state of politics is not left wing.