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Those character codes are parsed during import for the compendiums. The text input system used by the app doesn't automatically convert them though. 

I will probably add a check after text input to convert those type of text during input ;) I found those type of text in most xml compendiums. I didn’t expect the use-case of entering them manually.

Interesting but in my case I did not enter the codes manually. I imported an XML file so I can't tell you why the codes did not get parsed properly. I have been using epicGM for quite a while already so maybe back when I first imported the XML file the parsing of these codes did not work properly or maybe something else is going on.

Sadly atm I can't test if resetting and reimporting the compendium would help because the file picker is broken in Linux.

I first imported the files in Windows and have since then just copied the compendium around/used Dropbox to sync it.

That’s certainly a possibility. Maybe i can help. If you can send me the files, I can do a find and replace action with my editor. 

You can also try of you have an coding platform that reads xml :)