For Palla ------ Wait.
And For Samantha Did You Took The Pictures In Bathroom On Their Marriage Day ? If You Did Keep Her LP Up And Wait.
You Should Have Gone To The Bathroom .There You Should Have Taken Pictures Of Natalie Giving Ryan Blowjob And Show It To Samantha After Having Sex With Her And Yes , Don't Encourage Her For Threesome Or Anything Similar Because After That I Was Struck For A Long Time Waiting For Her In The First Old Version Which I Used To Play.
You will get stuck with most of Palla's expenses every week until you get her making enough to cover it. Using the phone, just look for and keep assigning her jobs as they come available when her new bar (briefcase) starts filling.
As for Harmony, I think she is just a teaser for now. I dropped her alignment bar to 80, but her LP caps at 20. You can't do anything with her.
Yeah, my MC currently makes not even half that and I don't have any issue. It only amounted to about an extra loss of $250 for me each week, but it goes down as you get Palla better jobs.