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That is quite weird since we survived the game normally. This may actually be a bug with the demo instead!

To survive that week, please make sure to have at least one prince have over 25 points with both of their affined magic elements. And their love bars (can be seen in the grimoire) should be filled about 10%. 

I guess it has to do with the affinity, but I don't see how this is possible. I have no affinity with anyone other than Prince Serin, with whom the affinity is quite low. I don't believe I've made so many wrong choices as for this to happen. It's definitely a problem with the demo. There is no reason for it to have worked in the demo and not now. 

Thanks anyways! Guess I'll be playing again.

One question though: is there any practical purpose in teaching the princes elements outside of their affinity? 

There may been some stats checks! But we wish you good luck with the re-play!

And there is, mainly for alchemy :D The further you proceed in the game, the more items there will be that need more than just the prince's affined elements!