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I've seen a few people doing this so here's what I hope is happening by the time I'm 16

What has changed:

Started testosterone

Dyed my hair blue!

Has a binder

A lot more cheerful/confident in myself

Owns a phone

Can wear feminine things without feeling dysphoric as hell

Has a cat

Can actually cry in front of people without feeling like they're judging me

Able to interact with people I don't know and not feel so anxious I'm gonna die

Come out to my family (they still think I'm nb lol)

Has a youtube channel

What hasn't:

Sleep deprived since 2011

Still a huge cavetown fan

Big dork

Average grades

Still an absolute G O D at hide ad seek

Regularly talking to my online friends

Chaotic as ever

Saying random shit in hopes I'll make someone laugh

Still sensitive to sound and light

Still can't fucking smell

Creature of the night

Hell yeah bab! Good luck with all of that! Dysphoria sucks.

i have dysphoria... not a great thing to have. bUt i also LOVE cavetown. they came at the right time in my life and saved me