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Protip: itch doesn't like .rar, use .zip instead and your game should be installable through the itch client.

On the actual topic at hand I'm always excited to see mecha games. A lot of the core stuff for mecha fans are already showing so good job on that. On the actual gameplay though I am a bit confused. 

First, controls. On many parts it works but the control scheme is a bit weird. A simple example would be that two handed weapons seem to fire from the right mouse button. Once you understand that it uses both buttons if you have two weapons, fine. I get it. Still goes against everything in my head to have it fire from the right mouse button.

Second, skating. Why is walking even an option? I can't see any situation where I'd want to be walking since it's a death sentence in combat and slow for movement. Maybe I'm missing something there..

Third, targeting. It just feels off. The way it jumps around as the enemy changes direction is just off putting. It caused me to do multiple hits on friendlies as I shot right as an enemy changed direction and my aim jumped. With the SLOW projectile speed I found it much easier to shoot with high volume of fire guns and just go without targeting. The game mechanics support precise shots but with the gun design you can't really pull those off on moving targets. Maybe play around with disabling the tracking from the targeting and just leave in the visual aiming aids? Or you could give that as an option for the player.

Overall this is one of the more interesting projects in /agdg/ and I hope you keep at it!