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I like the overall idea and gameplay. Clearing hordes of Mobs/Zombies felt kinda satisfying. 

Losing health over time, unless you find medicine, makes for a fast pace. Although I didn't like *how* fast. It was a huge trial and error from the first stage and only got harder. 

The problem (to my understanding)  is, either you run out of HP too fast and can't clear out the hordes quick enough to collect them 


the way the health drops makes it necessary to run into a big horde and die most of the times, as the wave clear on mouse 2 comes with a huge downside and doesn't clear enough unless you are in those open areas.  I liked the over the top Animations and Sounds although they where quite a bit of ear torture because how loud they where, at least on my  Headphones. 


thanks for the feedback! I wasn't able to get any quality testing done on this game due to the time constraints, so I was worried initially that it would be too easy, and it seems I over-corrected for that lol. I'll be sure to fix that in a patch after the Jam is over. Same with the audio (the audio was added last minute so I wasn't able to mix it properly). Also happy that you liked the UI animations, I was afraid players would find that annoying. I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Hey, no worries, it's a Jam game :) I think I rated it pretty fair for that matter as well. I just don't like to give medium to low ratings for Jam games haha.