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You could always try making some yourself in LMMS, that's what I did for my submission. It was my first time doing so, so it's not great, but it's music.

seems it's a downloadable software. Keyword downloadable. And seems it's not on Microsoft Store.

Yeah, it's a program. Download it from their website.

you clearly don't know my pc. DOWNLOAD?! DOWNLOAD??!! YOU THINK I CAN DOWNLOAD????!!!! WHAT A GOOD JOKE!!!!?!! HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAAHAHHAHAHAH̴̟̊A̶̭̋Ḧ̷̗́A̴̠̿Ḥ̴͂Ǎ̶̺H̸̓ͅẠ̷̏H̶̭̽A̵̪̾Ḧ̶͈́H̵̠̉Â̷̪H̸̡̏Ḥ̵̉Ả̸̺H̴̻̓Ȃ̴͚H̷͙̾Ă̴̭Ḩ̵̍A̴̮͗H̷̡̾A̸̫̐H̴̬̾Ă̸̦H̷̗̑A̴̙̚Á̵̺H̸̩͋H̶̹̚Ą̴̊H̵̦̍A̶̢͂H̵͎̄A̶̟̔H̸̥̎A̸̼̅A̸̘͆Ḧ̵̘H̵̖͠A̴̞͗H̵̻̒A̶̘͌H̴̟͊Ä̵̼H̵̢͊A̶̪̿A̵̢̅Ḥ̴͌Ạ̷͑H̷̥͊A̶̰̾H̵̩̐A̸̻̓Ḫ̶̂A̷̱̾H̸̙̿Ä̷̰H̸͖͠A̸͔͝H̷̚͜A̷̝̾H̸͍̄Ḁ̴̈́Ȟ̶̹Ḥ̶͑A̴͎͊H̵̩͛A̵̗͠Å̷̺H̷̯͊À̸̜H̸̻͠A̸͍͑H̵̲̓H̵̼͊Ȁ̵̬H̴͍͑Ả̷͎H̷͎̉A̶̝̾H̶̥͝A̶̦̕H̷͉̔A̶̟̚H̷̘͠H̴̨̆Á̷̱H̵̛͓H̸̤́A̸̻͝H̷̰͂Ã̵̜H̶̱͋Ȁ̷̪H̴͎͋A̸̝͗Ḧ̵̼́Ą̶̛H̴̭̓Ă̶͕H̶͖̊Ả̵̙A̴̱͝H̸̾͜H̸̯̀A̷̢͒H̷̠̀A̴̭̔Ḧ̵͇À̸͓H̴̘͘Ą̶̒A̴͖͊H̷̫̐H̸͚͐A̸̳̕H̵̗͠Á̴̢H̸͙͠A̷̛͉H̴͝ͅḀ̶̅Ả̸̼H̶̺́Å̷̘Ḫ̵̈́A̴̟͋H̸̡͆Ȧ̶̧H̷̪̕A̷̫̅H̵͕͝Ḁ̷̓H̸̯́A̸̭̅H̵̡͂Ả̶̤H̴̝́A̸͕̎H̵̦̄H̸̩͘Ḁ̴͝H̵̩̎Ả̸̜A̵͕̕H̴͎̏A̷͓͠H̷͉͒A̶̻̚H̸̟͋H̴̟̊A̶̭̋Ḧ̷̗́A̴̠̿Ḥ̴͂Ǎ̶̺H̸̓ͅẠ̷̏H̶̭̽A̵̪̾Ḧ̶͈́H̵̠̉Â̷̪H̸̡̏Ḥ̵̉Ả̸̺H̴̻̓Ȃ̴͚H̷͙̾Ă̴̭Ḩ̵̍A̴̮͗H̷̡̾A̸̫̐H̴̬̾Ă̸̦H̷̗̑A̴̙̚Á̵̺H̸̩͋H̶̹̚Ą̴̊H̵̦̍A̶̢͂H̵͎̄A̶̟̔H̸̥̎A̸̼̅A̸̘͆Ḧ̵̘H̵̖͠A̴̞͗H̵̻̒A̶̘͌H̴̟͊Ä̵̼H̵̢͊A̶̪̿A̵̢̅Ḥ̴͌Ạ̷͑H̷̥͊A̶̰̾H̵̩̐A̸̻̓Ḫ̶̂A̷̱̾H̸̙̿Ä̷̰H̸͖͠A̸͔͝H̷̚͜A̷̝̾H̸͍̄Ḁ̴̈́Ȟ̶̹Ḥ̶͑A̴͎͊H̵̩͛A̵̗͠Å̷̺H̷̯͊À̸̜H̸̻͠A̸͍͑H̵̲̓H̵̼͊Ȁ̵̬H̴͍͑Ả̷͎H̷͎̉A̶̝̾H̶̥͝A̶̦̕H̷͉̔A̶̟̚H̷̘͠H̴̨̆Á̷̱H̵̛͓H̸̤́A̸̻͝H̷̰͂Ã̵̜H̶̱͋Ȁ̷̪H̴͎͋A̸̝͗Ḧ̵̼́Ą̶̛H̴̭̓Ă̶͕H̶͖̊Ả̵̙A̴̱͝H̸̾͜H̸̯̀A̷̢͒H̷̠̀A̴̭̔Ḧ̵͇À̸͓H̴̘͘Ą̶̒A̴͖͊H̷̫̐H̸͚͐A̸̳̕H̵̗͠Á̴̢H̸͙͠A̷̛͉H̴͝ͅḀ̶̅Ả̸̼H̶̺́Å̷̘Ḫ̵̈́A̴̟͋H̸̡͆Ȧ̶̧H̷̪̕A̷̫̅H̵͕͝Ḁ̷̓H̸̯́A̸̭̅H̵̡͂Ả̶̤H̴̝́A̸͕̎H̵̦̄H̸̩͘Ḁ̴͝H̵̩̎Ả̸̜A̵͕̕H̴͎̏A̷͓͠H̷͉͒A̶̻̚H̸̟͋

No, I don't know your pc. How could I?  I was simply offering a solution. Downloading software is usually no trouble at all, and it's normal for gamedevs to have multiple. I use Unity, Blender, Visual Studios, LMMS, and Audacity 

I already have a solution, i signed the music and it's DLC xd

Also what is wrong with your pc that you can't download something?

no matter what i try to download (if i have enough space on the pc) it says it's a virus

Well that's just a problem with whatever antivirus you've got installed, unless you're talking about the little exclamation mark in a triangle that shows up when you download stuff in chrome, because that doesn't actually mean it's a virus.

Ah, I remeber these times.

I know it's kinda weird to add stuff to such a old conversation but funny enough, I ended up using LMMS for music for a while that still continues, not after hearing it from you but some random youtube video