This is a game that delves deep into many serious issues, whilst wearing a pixel-art, old-school adventure game mask. It's a very well put-together but surreal experience to say the least!
Each "day" in the game is spend walking around your household, interacting with objects and family members before retiring to your bedroom to head into a dreamscape where you hang out with a mysterious character and fight disturbing enemies (all comprising of a warped face). The battle system is a neat little idea, where you have to balance your energy to make sure you have enough to either heal or fight each turn (I did a VERY bad job at this!).
You wander around your dream world until you find the exit and then repeat the daily process, as things get progressively more threatening and isolated in the house.
It's quite a heavy game, and things come to a pretty grimly inevitable end... but it was a very worthwhile experience, and I'm glad I stumbled upon it.
If you want to dive into a dark and morbid RPG adventure game with some very unique aspects, this is worth a look!