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A fun little game, this is! 

I really like the idea and style but the difficulty ramp up was oh so brutal.


Adherence to Theme 
  • Not much to say, like most games here, it gets the theme just right. 
  • Played it very safe but managed to make it interesting.
Game Design 
  • Simple but challenging at the same time.
  • I found it to be quite hard, at least hard enough to not be able to test out the slowdown or spawn stopping mechanics.
  • The amount of different items is nothing short of excellent, one could wonder, if you used an asset pack which would be totally understandable, or made them yourself, which would be total insanity.
  • The amount of items made it a bit hard to distinguish between Armor and Jewelry sometimes. There where some pauldrons looking a lot like rings and vice versa. At least if the game picked up it's pace.
  • The score always showed up in the negatives for me. Now I may be so bad that it's the actual score but I highly doubt you did that to my poor heart </3.
  • Highly unique twist on those clicker / match 3 genre'd titles. I enjoyed it a lot and it was a breath of fresh air.
  • UI Design was a little basic but very serviceable, everything was visible
  • The amount of items made this one a real treat!
  • The music track wasn't obnoxious or too loud, it fit the game well, looped well and was overall pleasant.


I like it a lot, I can see this one being developed into a mobile or browser game at some point!