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Part 2!

After school ended you ran out of the building because you were pretty fast you were able to outrun usui with ease, you looks all around in the crowd until you saw her, a girl your age looking pretty miserable with a young boy, "thats her!" You thought and you sprinted over to talk to her, but before you could catch up she sped up so you sped up then she grabbed the boy's hand and ran at full speed, "goodness she's really fast!, but not as fast as me i need to put myself on full power *super saiyan yell*" you ran so fast you practically plowed through them and you both fell. "Wha? Get off me" she said in the most monotone voice you have ever heard come from a girl with purple hair, "oh my gosh im so so sorry!" You practicallyflew off her "Whatever" and she got up brushed herself off and started to walk, "w-wait!" But she was already gone, your knees ached and you were out of breath 

Will you 

A. Chase after her some more 

B. Text usui to come get you 

C. Go home to your mom and cook dinner 

hmmm...... A I  wanna see where this goes