Very nice! i dont see alot of people talking about that insane combat design, a few simple mechanics and theres already so much depth. both attacks are viable but depending on the situation one is usually superior to the other and there are so many tiny factors like positioning and your health that can determine which one you should use, the juice is absolutely amazing and it was absolutely fun to mow down hordes with the second attack and watch the counter go all LGHAKLSHGlshgmslghMSGsmgsukgsmgshbg. The most interesting situation i was in was level two where hordes were coming from me from two sides, one side had two possible paths and the other had one and was much shorter, but the longer one had health which i desperately needed. along with this i had to decide which attacks to use and when and it really was a fun and interesting choice to make. The font choice and tone is all amazing and this was a really fun play.
of course there were a few faults though, one was that though alot of the controls were intuitive and most of the elements could be found out in a matter of seconds it took me about 5 minutes to even realize that using the second attack took health. also sprinting does not feel like it really offers any tradeoffs and i found myself just holding down shift while playing without any consideration, it would add a ton more depth related around escaping tough situations if there was some cost like HP or if it had a cooldown, aside from these though they did not take away from the experience at all and if resolved can make this game even more dynamic! Great work and will be looking forward to the games you make in the future!