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(1 edit) (+3)

First of all I would like to say that I made an account on this site just to leave a review of this game. Yeah. I just really had to get my thoughts out there on this quality game.

I followed this game since last year. The demo told me right away that I wanted to keep an eye out for this one. Really, it’s such a rare thing nowadays you know?The game hits the mark on everything: the interesting plot, the characters (the princes, the mc who is dynamic and most importantly, not a doormat and even the side characters). The person who did the CG’s, I just want to shake their hand man. These are some quality visuals and I won’t lie: this is what initially lured me in last year.

The rpg aspect of the game was certainly a nice challenge as well. It also made me feel more engaged compared to the regular vn, where, bless them but all you usually have to do is click and click. You really feel like you have control over your destiny. As the devs said in the comments there, if you put emphasis on certain stats (Etiquette/Combat – Aurelius, Leadership – Nazir and Charisma/Beauty/Etiquette/ – Serin, and after playing once I realised you kinda want that Intelligence up there as well regardless of playthrough, because it makes you feel like a god, being able to predict some… cough things about the plot) you will be fine. This would be the perfect time to mention that I played on Easy (yes I know, truly a disgrace, but this one time I was like you know that, it is story time) and with +5 to my stats from 2 deaths. Honestly, if you’re not a fool like me and click Overwrite Save again and again like I did on my first playthrough you will be fine lol. Just try to be prepared with a save on a new slot every couple of hours, should things go terribly wrong. If you want full completion however, may god have mercy on you, I shall think of you fondly.

I achieved all 3 romance endings, with Serin being my favorite. He was my first choice, he’s had me since he helped me at the gate to be honest. His personality lured me in from the beginning. He truly is best boy, doing his best and the teasing in his route is precious af. Even if I picked Serin, I knew I wanted to give Aurelius a try as well. Cheeky boy lol. He’s basically the Defrosting Ice Queen trope (and I love that trope a lot) so I really liked his route as well. No spoilers, but some moments in his route make it really worth it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Now Nazir. I’ll just come out and say it: since I tackled the other princes before him I was already coming in like “Okay so this mother f’er goes frolicking god knows where every time, oh I’m sorry Nazir it’s just that we are in mortal danger here.” If only I knew. No spoilers, but the plot twist really is top tier. It’s my favorite moment in the route and I love how you act as MC as well, reliable and gentle. My apologies dear Nazir, should have kept a close eye on you lol. After having completed 3 playthrougs of the same game (something I didn’t even intend to do, but I just had to know what was up with Nazir) I can safely say that all princes are deserving of your time and you will definitely find something to like.

Tl;dr: Solid plot with compelling twists. Good characters. Interesting MC. At least pick up the demo if you’re on the fence, it’s quite long and it will tell you everything you need to know. So much heart went into this game and I can’t think of a negative even if I try. My congratulations to the devs, whatever you guys come up with in the future I’ll definitely check it out. Thanks for your hard work!

(1 edit)

Hello! First of all, thank you so much for the detailed review! :D We're super happy you created an account to leave us your thoughts and really appreciate it!

We spent a lot of time balancing the gameplay system, the story and the characters with each other. Thus, we're really glad that you ended up enjoying them all! Even Nazir's route :D (Honestly, that boy of ours is drawing so much grudge since some people train him just to synthesize certain items, and he ends up ditching them all xD)

Thank you very much for your support! We'll continue doing our best :D