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Hi, i am sorry for the late answer, i published a new file that needs to be with the game data. This file is GameLinux64 but does not contain any data, that's why it needs the GameLinuxData with it. Sorry if i took too long to answer, Hope it works !

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I'm sorry but I get another error (terminal output):

"Build.x86_64: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

It would be better if you directly take all contents of your game build directory and package them together, since all files created by Unity Editor, at compile time, outside "Build_Data" dir. , are always needed (I've used Unity Editor too in the past).

Thank you anyway

Hello again

I rebuilt the whole game in one folder, and then zipped it. So now you should be able to run the game after extracting the zip file and running "Build.x86_64". Thanks a lot for the feedback. Again hope it works !

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Hey, thanks! now it runs perfectly.
Also let me compliment you for game performancies: it doesn't lag with motion blur, depth of field and bloom all turned on with full screen resolution (1366x768 on my end) using an old Intel HD 3000 integrated graphic card (year 2011) and with Linux Mesa drivers 20.2 x 64bit.
In fact usually I would force screen resolution to  800x600 and lowering quality to run recent Unity games at a decent framerate.

So, keep up the good work!

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Hi, good to hear it finally works, Thanks taking the time to try the game and give feedback !

On the perfomances, i just tried making a detailed world (not that much detail though), with the least triangle count and different textures/materials. Plus i used the new unity's URP (Universal render pipeline (i know you used unity in the past but i don't know if you saw the new updates)) which is really efficient for low end targets. Sadly i was thinking on upgrading to the HDRP (High definition render pipeline), but it's for higher end PCs or machines like PS/XBOX, etc..., but i'll try to make a URP  version for my next games !

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Thanks for the interesting infos, actually I've stopped with Unity Editor 2019.2.x series and also I've focused on pure coding studies (custom libraries developing) so many things got out of my sight (in particular I'm waiting for more updates to 2019.3,x series since I 've read is still too buggy to try porting all works of mine to that series).
By the way I can confirm you that with an Intel HD3000 series (mesa 20.2, OpenGL 3.3 profile) HDRP is not fully usable because of a particular shader type ("procedural shader" or something like that) that's not fully supported (even if it was in older Unity Engine versions, 5.x series If I remember correctly).
But, of course we are free to use whichever technologies we want in our works.
By the way, if I were you, I would use URP pipeline for games with stylized graphics, and HDRP for more realistic works.

Thanks again for your interest!