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(2 edits) (+2)

My mind has wandered off yet again! 

I honestly find this girl very scary. what do you guys think?

i really should stop or else i might not be able to get back out of my head ofr a while but i was thinking of blood oranges for some reason and made this girl on sort of accident:

what do y'all think?

hopefully last girl of the day for letting my mind wander:

she is naked. that is fine. she is also a orange. 

Yeah I think you did a good job awhile using so many items, yet keeping the sort of over all theme together. Plus blood orange seems like food inspiration!  

yeah thanks! i wasnt really paying atention to what i was doing making these girls, i just had a baisic heme and maybe a few parts in mind, i kinda made it up as i went along

(1 edit)

Love em! Especially the cat lady

aw thx!