Probably noone will see this, but here's a MEGAPACK of nodes i did since last year (kinda forgotten to post here really)
(Cross Cut's size issue is fixed)
1 - HSV
Hsv is one node that i really wanted but had no idea on how to do, ended up learning a LOT with it.
It's Simple. It's Useful. It's HSV
2 - XCompose
This is one of my proudest nodes due to how slick it looks. it can: A- Make a Compost image out of given R G B channels. B- Take the R G B channels out of a given image
3- MTX Rotate and Simple Rotate
MTX Rotate lets you rotate the image around a point while Simple Rotate rotates in 90º increments.
simple rotate was done really poorly and introduces some artifacts that i have have no idea on how to fix
4- CossCut
Gets a line of pixels in the image and repeats it trough the output image
5- Alpha Cut
Makes the pixels of the input texture transparent with a given Alpha texture
My Best Node to date, it let you "bend your image in the z axis", it changes the scale of your image with a given texture and depth and clamps it