**Developer Log #3 Version Update 0.0.04 Alpha** - 05/04/2017 - 3:20am
RELEASED: 06/04/2017 - 2:35am
- Re-Coded Chernobog AI Script from Scratch using better capture/chase mechanics.
- Added footstep sounds to Chernobog (Walking & Running).
- Added Loading Screen.
- Fixed 'static' Boat Ramp and Switch object bug.
- Re-Coded Lighter script and brightened light of the Flame.
- Created Testing area to better and speed up the Development Progress.
- Added Side Dressings to starter house walls.
- Testing Drawers in starter house.
- Revamped Fish and whales Script.
- Fixed static doors in Chernobogs House.
- Added more visual effects.
- Added Thunderstorm/Rain Weather to starting scene.
- More FPS Optimisations.
- Added Stealth Mechanics to Chernobog (If lighter is on sight is doubled, if crouching sight is halved)