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This game has the best game over screen of this game jam. Possibly any game ever. Love how each level has different music that plays. 

The polish and work you put into the music and sound effects really shows. (which makes sense for a game about music!)

Right now my only gripe is that the gameplay is a tad too simple. You just play the guitar a bit, run, then play, run and play. Maybe there were some specific spots you play where there's an amplifier, you can knock back cops, but for a little time. Play near a group of groupies, they help fill your meter faster. Do a variety of places, get a style bonus, ala Devil May Cry, or Tony Hawk. 

Would be cool if each level was a specific location, rather than the same city. So you start at a church, then a school, then a small concert, then the whole city. 

Overall, it was pretty fun! 

Hope to see you in more game jams :D (unless the pigs get ya first :P)

Thank you for playing the game, and your feedback means a lot!