Thanks for your response
- TypeScript is a language that I want to support in the future. Unfortunately I have almost no experience with TypeScript, so it might take some time before I can get something working
- 19 seconds sounds like a lot of time indeed. Do you have the "Add ES6 polyfills" option checked in Project > Settings > Components? I noticed this made the build process much slower. Babel transpiling also add quite some time to the build. If your TypeScript compiler generate ES5 JavaScript, try to change the scripting language option from "ES6" to "ES5" in Project > Settings > General and see if this improve the build time.
- I suggest to copy the nodes_module/pixelbox/pointerEvents/index.js file into your project, and require this file directly. This way you'll avoid loosing your changes if you make modifications. PointerEvent module is not yet mature. If you managed to find the problem please consider opening an issue and/or doing a pull request to the pixelbox repository ;)
If you still consider building from command line, then generating the __PROJECT_DATA__ object will probably be the biggest struggle. It might be possible to expose the function that is doing this, and make it available to custom scripts.