Alice: *takes kat to the toystore and puts her on a platform*
Alice: dont worry! this wont hurt a bit...are....*scry mode* aRe yOu CryInG??! YoU UnGrAtEfUl BRAT!! iM GoiNG tO MakE You bEautIfUl!! *starts turning kat into a plushie, and it HURTS A LOT she is sewing fabric to your skin and shoving fluff into your body* THIS WonT HUrt a BiT!! SOoN YoU aRe gOinG TO bE BEaUTIfUl!!
Alice: *send her rat gumdrop after you, its silent and you dont notice untill you get home*
random people: *they stare at you holding the oviouslt alive toy, and you spot one staring more than all the others*
Random Person: i see Alice got to her, what a shame, she'd make a lovley puppet, but i digress, ill help you fix her, although she'll never quite be the same...the names Charlie, Charlie the Puppeteer.