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Hey I Found something and sense you also seem to be trying this and made some progress I wanted to share something I found. In this game the number/780 is made after 30 letters are said. The last 780 is 30*26 because of 30 letters with 26 in the alphabet. The first number is weird you have to assign a number value. A=1 B=2 etc but dont include repeats and that equals the first number. Hopefully this helps you make progress if you find anything it would be awesome if you could share


Hey I discoverd that in the painfull box you can also press the letters A B C D E F G H I at the part that you have to press the number. So that may refer to your idea of the A=1, B=2, C=3 etc.

Yea whats wierd is thers is no zero yet thats a option

That may be an allusion to a hexadecimal format being the solution, I'll try putting the codes mentioned so far through a hex converter and see what I get