(Analysis-Bot 2.0) I have a better idea. someone please download a level from the experimental level editor!
(Commentatron 2.0) *downloads a level with only MK4 JetHammer Enforceptors. THOUSANDS of them* Now we watch the human die.
(Analysis-Bot 2.0) but wait... surely THAT many robots can't be good for the frame rate of viewers watching at home...
(The Emperor) THIS IS WAY TOO BORING! *fires a giant laser at Pyro Red* ugh... who's the next human?
(Analysis-Bot 2.0) Julius Caesar!
(Disembodied Human Description Voice)
Name: Julius Caesar
Favorite color: GOLD!!
Age: 55
Occupation: Emperor
(Commentatron 2.0) It seems that this human used to be an Emperor... did he rule over all of the humans?
(Analysis-Bot 2.0) his other favorite color is purple and he was Emperor over most of the humans a while ago. He has a form of human birth named after him
(The Emperor) ... *totally kind of jelly* Hah, inferior Emperor, it must not be as perfect as me!
(The Emperor 2.0) Gentleman, would you mind leaving my throne?
(Analysis-Bot 2.0) oh, snap. !bet emperor2 10
(The Emperor 2.0) *absolutely destroys The Emperor and takes the throne* MUAHAHAHAH! I AM THE NEW EMPEROR! As my name says... duh.