Just purchased this today and I'm love with what I'm seeing so far!
I keep wondering if there's ways to involve the Minor Arcana in a more significant way.
Have you thought about making an alternate fortune system using the minor arcana to resolve rolls?
I'm thinking for the mundane world, drawing two A-10 cards and comparing to gauge x2. And maybe for the Castle using court cards, trying to match suits to the suit of the move? The higher the bonus the more cards you can draw?
It probably messes up the math a lot, but I'm wondering if it's a significant enough change. The benefit I see is that Tarot readers could, however, totally color their narration with what meaning the cards evoke. (An athletic success with a 10 of Wands, means probably that the character was able to 'let go of unnecessary weight')
Just some random thoughts! Thank you for this amazing piece of art!