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Here is the button 1 position

Here is button 2 position

ok thanks for the screenshot, I will check 



do you know how to fix it?

Sorry I have been busy with other projects, and thus it may take me awhile to fix these. 

But generally speaking, the scale needs to be included in every position update, I believe. 

I will find time to update a new version. 


while I am checking on this issue, I think one way you can do is to adjust the rect pos Z if you wanna make UI bigger/smaller

Try this: The code is not properly formatted, but you can search for  _canvasRect.localScale. 

only 3 parts are modified to make the logic work in different canvas scale 

Let me know if you still have any issues


void SetupCells(bool instantUpdate)
    for (int i = 0; i < m_cellContainer.Count; i++)
      RectTransform rt = m_cellContainer[i].GetComponent<recttransform>();
      if (rt == null)
      m_newPos =;
      m_newScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
      m_newRot =;
      m_offset = (_panel.position - m_dragStartPos);
      m_offsetIndex = i - m_centerCellIndex;
      m_isCircularMovment = false;
      // Consider the canvas scale 
      m_width = (rt.rect.width + _cellGap) * _canvasRect.localScale.x;
      switch (_carouselType)
        case CarouselConstants.iCarouselType.iCarouselTypeLinear:
            m_newPos.x = m_width * m_offsetIndex;
        case CarouselConstants.iCarouselType.iCarouselTypeScaledLinear:
            m_newPos.x = m_width * m_offsetIndex;
            float dis = Vector3.Distance(rt.position, _center.position);
            // Make sure it is not too small nor not too big
            float scaleRatio = Mathf.Clamp(1 - Mathf.Abs(dis / (_scrollRT.rect.width / 2)), 0.1f, 100);
            m_newScale = new Vector3(scaleRatio * _scaleRatio.x, scaleRatio * _scaleRatio.y, scaleRatio * _scaleRatio.z);
        case CarouselConstants.iCarouselType.iCarouselTypeCoverFlow:
            m_newPos.x = m_width * m_offsetIndex;
            if (m_offsetIndex < 0)
              m_newRot = -_coverflowAngles;
            else if (m_offsetIndex > 0)
              m_newRot = _coverflowAngles;
        case CarouselConstants.iCarouselType.iCarouselTypeScaledCoverFlow:
            m_newPos.x = m_width * m_offsetIndex;
            float dis = Vector3.Distance(rt.position, _center.position);
            // Make sure it is not too small nor not too big
            float scaleRatio = Mathf.Clamp(1 - Mathf.Abs(dis / (_scrollRT.rect.width / 2)), 0.1f, 100);
            m_newScale = new Vector3(scaleRatio * _scaleRatio.x, scaleRatio * _scaleRatio.y, scaleRatio * _scaleRatio.z);
            if (m_offsetIndex < 0)
              m_newRot = -_coverflowAngles;
            else if (m_offsetIndex > 0)
              m_newRot = _coverflowAngles;
      // Only allow one direction at a time
      if (!_isHorizontal)
        m_newPos.y = m_newPos.x;
        m_newPos.x = 0;
        m_newRot.x = m_newRot.y;
        m_newRot.y = 0;
      m_final = (_center.position + m_newPos + m_offset);
      if (instantUpdate || m_isCircularMovment)
        rt.position = m_final;
        rt.localScale = m_newScale;
        rt.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(m_newRot);
        rt.position = Vector3.Lerp(rt.position, m_final, Time.deltaTime * _moveSpeed);
        rt.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(rt.localScale, m_newScale, Time.deltaTime * _scaleSpeed);
        rt.localRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(rt.localRotation, Quaternion.Euler(m_newRot), Time.deltaTime * _rotateSpeed);
void CheckBoundary()
    if (_cell == null)
    if (!_shouldLoop)
    if (m_cellContainer.Count == 0)
    RectTransform rt = _cell.GetComponent<recttransform>();
    if (rt == null)
    float cellWidth = (rt.rect.width + _cellGap) * _canvasRect.localScale.x;
    float cellHeight = (rt.rect.height + _cellGap) * _canvasRect.localScale.y;
    // Calculate the boundaries 
    m_boundary.x = m_cellContainer.Count * cellWidth;
    m_boundary.y = m_cellContainer.Count * cellHeight;
    float leftBoundary = (_center.position.x - m_boundary.x / 2);
    float rightBoundary = (_center.position.x + m_boundary.x / 2);
    float upBoundary = (_center.position.y + m_boundary.y / 2);
    float downBoundary = (_center.position.y - m_boundary.y / 2);
    // We only check the right most or left most 
    if (_isHorizontal)
      //if ((_panel.position - m_dragDir).x < 0)
        GameObject go = m_cellContainer[0];
        if (go.transform.position.x < leftBoundary)
          UpdateBoundaryCell(go, new Vector3(rightBoundary, go.transform.position.y, go.transform.position.z), false);
      //else if ((_panel.position - m_dragDir).x > 0)
        GameObject go = m_cellContainer[m_cellContainer.Count - 1];
        if (go.transform.position.x > rightBoundary)
          UpdateBoundaryCell(go, new Vector3(leftBoundary, go.transform.position.y, go.transform.position.z), true);
      //if ((_panel.position - m_dragDir).y < 0)
        GameObject go = m_cellContainer[0];
        if (go.transform.position.y < downBoundary)
          UpdateBoundaryCell(go, new Vector3(go.transform.position.x, upBoundary, go.transform.position.z), false);
      //else if ((_panel.position - m_dragDir).y > 0)
        GameObject go = m_cellContainer[m_cellContainer.Count - 1];
        if (go.transform.position.y > upBoundary)
          UpdateBoundaryCell(go, new Vector3(go.transform.position.x, downBoundary, go.transform.position.z), true);

m_width = (rt.rect.width + _cellGap) * _canvasRect.localScale.x;

UnassignedReferenceException: The variable _canvasRect of CarouselController has not been assigned.
You probably need to assign the _canvasRect variable of the CarouselController script in the inspector.
UnityEngine.Transform.get_localScale () (at <7559bf9767e74ff5906f18401f66cd57>:0)
CarouselController.SetupCells (System.Boolean instantUpdate) (at Assets/CarouselMenu/Scripts/CarouselController.cs:251)

there was missing 

public RectTransform _canvasRect;

float m_width;

and assign canvas to public field

but still not working, can you update code on unity asset store?

It may take awhile before I upload a new version, but you can see from the screenshot where the _canvasRect is being referenced from 
