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This is mostly a pac-man clone with a small twist, with some decent music. 

The art is far too barebone for such a mechanically simple game an the music when you die is a little grating. 

I think the enemy AI needs a lot of work. For the most part, I just go up and down endlessly delivering packages without much effort or though. Even as more enemies get added, I don't actually have to think about how to use the maze to avoid them because they just follow me in the same pattern. 

If you replay the original Pack-Man and pay attention, you'll notice each ghost has their own pattern and AI they abide with, forcing you to be clever and careful as you go around the maze, collection pallets. 

I think the controls are too float-y as well. Also, you need to give the player more feedback about what's happening. When I grab a package, I want to SEE it. When I use a power-up, I wanna see some effects and some change in music. 

Overall, a decent effort but needs a lot more polish :)

Thanks for ur feedback!  Really appreciate it =)