Amelia: sUp SIstErS
Me: Hi!!!
Amelia:UwU hey strangerz
Cynthia: amelia I swear to god if- oh hey
S.I.L.V.E.R: Hello!! my name is (in a robotic voice) SILVER (back to normal) and i come from fReDdDY fAZBeAr PizZziARiA (what did she say?)
Amelia: hey am amelia :>
Bunny: move outta the way sis
Cynthia: :> ima just go ;-;
S.I.L.V.E.R: are you a animatronic like me? (silver is a grey and light blue Funtime+Twisted wolf)
Amelia: no but I do know someone like that kinda
Max: -magically appears-
This is max he is part robot
SILVER: okay cool!! anyway so uh, where exactly am i?
Amelia: your-
Bunny: Earth :>
SILVER: well oviously i knew that! like, whos house is this (were a kacchans place btw)