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What are you talking about? The theme is written under Theme on the main page since before the jam start: it's "?“.

Haha, the idea is to make a game where the player is entirely confused...


There’s a high risk of awful results but I think that would be a very fun community palliative decision. :)

Man I just came here out of curiosity to see the theme as I don't really have time to participate... And now I feel a terrible desire to enter the jam just because of that surprise. I should have my brain checked at some point.

Anyway I hope nothing wrong happened to Turtl33 beyond a simple "Shit, I forgot I was organising a game jam today!"


What about a FPS in non-euclidean space where you must shoot yourself in the back to win and lose at the same time, while green and yellow pandas dance on the ceiling without any obvious reason. Would that be confusing enough?

i would play this. Someone get EA on the line


Actually I'm from EA and I…  OK, no, just joking. But anyway someday I'll get my hand on the IP of The Sims and Medal Of Honor and I'll make something truly amazing with them.