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Para: you're welcome! bye

Me: *squealy fangirl sounds* YAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSS

kat: *touches ears*


*wagging tail*

Kat: ^^

Me: yay now we can see you emotions!!! do you like ym cooking?


Me: ....uwuuwuuwuwuwuwuwu *more fangirl sounds* aww you look so cute when yuor angry!

Deku: hey kacchan! wait what....Kacchan?

Para: *makes deku a dog neko as well*

Deku: IM SO CUTE!!!! *tail wags SO MUCH, like so much that its thumping on the floor*

kat: *sits in neko kacchan's lap*

Kacchan: *loud tail waggs*

Kat: why won't you talk katsuki 

Kacchan: do i have to talk ;)

Kat: n no

Me: oh my god its so cute!! 

Deku: aw Kacchan doesnt...well...there goes that idea

Me: deku dont be sad! you always have urararra...urararara....OCHAKO

kat: ochako chan!

Kacchan: Round face

Kat: your hair is really fluffy now 

Kacchan: .....

Me: *loudest and wierdest fangirl noises in the universe*

Todoroki: hi guy-

para: *makes Todoroki into a cat just a neko*

kacchan/kat: Icy hot -_-