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(1 edit)

Me: *GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASP* OH MY GOOOOOODDD thats so cute!! *actulay makes the treats on a baking tray this time*

Deku: *tries to take a treat from kacchan

Todoroki: *just takes a nap on top of deku*

kacchan: *big angry growls*

Kat: katsuki calm down!

Kacchan: *growling*

Deku: Im sorry kacchan!

Me: more food for you *hands you a treat, and you are tempted to eat it then bite her hand*

Todoroki: *keeps napping on Deku

kat: *falls asleep on kacchan* 

Kacchan: *hard loud tail wagging* i don't enjoy this 

Me: something tells me you do! *its a dog remember*

Todoroki: whats wrong dumb  dog? prblem im napping on your boyfriend....wait? did i just say that? usually i keep those thougths to myself? whatever *keeps napping on Deku*

(1 edit)

Kacchan: I'm not f*cking intrested in f*cking deku icy hot 

Kat: *sleep noises*

Kacchan: *raises hand and pets kat's head*

Kat: *teeny smile*

Me: i culd get para to stop this....

Para: yep puppy time is over!! *turns kacchan into a devil\fire elemental type thing* next animal thing fun time! *he now has a really cute doglike nose, little cute horns, and he still has his pup ears and tail, but now theres a little flame on the end of it*


kat: *warm times*

Kacchan: why the f*ck do you keep changing me

Para: becuz its FHAN

Me: uwu *makes smores on his tail

Para: *also makes deku a nature\plant version and Todi a icyhot vesion*

kacchan: STAHP it

Kat: *prolly gonna wake up*

Kacchan: Shhhhhhhh