Okay I sent you some emails with some screenshots to help you try to understand a little bit more I don't know if you got them or not I will try to explain on here a little bit better I have tried to download the game three times now and around 900 Giggs whatever they're called it stops downloading completely and my notification bar tells me that it's forbidden I don't know what that means but I also cannot download the images as it says it cannot open file or no apps to perform this action and I have also tried to use your code on the main menu and it does not work for me
HI dear friend , sorry for the question regarding your dowload problèmes with your phone but maybe you have a sécurity child locking système ON that will not accept to dowload on your phone, you should check your security for access alowance , I had some problèmes too and when I got to my computer roots I find that it was switch to red so I change it to green and it work well now , this is me but maybe others readers playing this game will have another suggestion for you , the game is great and FUN SAFE thanks to Luriel and sexy bennet adventures in pleasure land