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"Dave": GOD WHY IS THIS IMPOSSIBLE??!! *traps you in dry ice* *also max is now knee deep in  lava*

Amelia: Max can you do some work and at least step out?

Max: but it's like a hot tub ;w;

Amelia: yea a hot tub that melts your skin off

Max: ._. Oh yea -he stepped out his legs slightly soft but still harder than steel- can we go now? You dont have to be our friend.

"Dave": *very angery* YOU MINDLESS CHILD!! why do you STILL think i want to be your FREIND??!! i want to KILL YOU..fine..just go..this wasnt as fun as the other ones anyway....*still keeps Amellia in the dry ice*

Max: bec I believe in you . . . Is that wrong? I-im sorry . .

Amelia: why must you hurt the beans feelings?

"Dave": *starts having flashbacks of when he had a loving family* *starts crying a little* just...just go.....i..just go away smoll bean

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Amelia: everything has moisture in it -at moment this it was normal ice temperature so she touched it and it was turned into water- anyway wuts wrong? How about you tell you tell us over a cup of tea? -she pressed a button and they were teleported to the house their friends were at-

"Dave" *sits on your counch and gets a little blood and rotting sstuff on it* okay..well first thing you should know is that my name isnt Dave....Its Will...well, William...William Afton 

* is he really THE William afton? cause of all those murders?

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Amelia: I kinda figured  you remind of him- well you - she laughed a little- but everyone goes through a moment of like . .  Sometimes:>

Will: *confused look* yeeaaah...anywaay so you wanna knwo how this all ahppened right?! why i look like..this? well i guess you have to know what i truly look like first *he now looks like scraptrap* okay first step to knowing my past: you've heard of his missing kids incadent right? and the Bite of...was it 85 or 87? idk

Amelia: you went into a suit and the spring locks locked on you :/ I have a thing for lore behind things

Amelia: its either because of chris or something else did . . I cant find out which one . .