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kat: well he doesn't burn you does he?

Kacchan: gimme my f*cking hoodie 

Kat: no!

Me:he..may..have burned me...multiple a point..where i cant feel my laft arm anymore...he sorta killed the nerves in that arm...DONT HURT ME FOR SAYING THAT KACCHAN

kat: like i said he wont hurt you anymore 

Kacchan: *grumbles*

Me; *cries from happieness* thank yuo so much kat!!! youre the best senpai i mean friend in the world!!!

kat: 👍

Kacchan: *lifts up kat*

Kat: katsuki!?

Kacchan: its my turn now

Me: yeah okay....*keeps baking brownes, occaisanally almost going axolotl*

kacchan: *puts kat down gently*

Kat: katsuki?

Kacchan: what?

Kat: :\

Kacchan: *grabbs kat and pulles her onto the bed*


Kat: katsuki?

Kacchan: *sleep*

Kat: *sleep*

Me: puts some cookies and treats by them* go to sleep, my senpai


i have this urge, i have this urge to kill, i have this urge to kill to prove that im alive

im sick of these apologies from people with priorities that theyre lives matter so much more than mine!

*sleeps outside again*

kat: *in dream*

Sometimes i wonder, whats the point of it all, you wake up work and sleep until you die, nothing you do can make you feel truly fulfilled, no matter how hard you try you can never really feel whole nothing you do will fill that void, everyone has a void they just don't know it yet, become a hero? Save people? It's not enough, its never enough, its just a slow and painful trudge along the path called life until you reach your destination and as you fade out of this world and into the darkness you wonder. Did i do enough. Was my life truly that important. No it wasn't we're all teeny specks in the void insignificant, useless, nothing anyone does is helpful it only helps them there is so much hatred in this world, the only good people left are being snuffed out, soon this world shall be nothing more than an empty plane full of souls looking for the light hoping to find just a speck to cling onto but like with everything it'll be absorbed and they'll be left in the darkness searching for yet another strand of light, trapped in an endless cycle of darkness death and fear, you can find friends but eventually they'll go away, everyone will end up alone...... the darkness will consume them and-

kat: *wakes up* *looks at kacchan* *puts face on his chest and cries*

Me: *uses a power Para gave to her to read her emotions and most recent though* wow..its.........its alright Kat.......that...that could be a little least you have a quirk that makes you more than that! could make a impact bigger than that!! here, have this brownie *puts meds in the brownie becuz she doesnt actualy know how that works with out you knowing*