This is really fun! The idea of getting through a dungeon where you can fly is cool, and the combat that comes that is fun, and helped alot by the slow motion thing that happens when you kill multiple enemies at once. However, i feel like you should get extra coins from that and that there should be more things that start the slow mo effect, like killing an enemy without touching the ground or holding your own against multiple enemies when they're coming fromt the sides. I also think rollerpig is way too unbalanced (he can become invincibe but can't attack enemies below him) which is quite annoying, and swarm bug is way too OP. However, slashchicken is perfect. The levels sometimes generate with the way out next to you too, however this seems to be mainly on the earlier levels. I also think that there should be more use for coins, maybe you can buy a pallete? The spriting is perfect though, the charectors are cute and the circle light effect thing is super cool. Overall, really good game and one of the best game jam ones i've seen!
Edit: The right click place left click destroy is way too OP.