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There is another post that automatically reduces the problem at the source, though you'll need to read all my posts under it as the original fix has a couple issues:

The vanilla game has never ending lactation with no option to end it. Aric's mod actually has a way to end lactation, though it is disabled by default. You need to edit the same file to change "lactationstops = false" to true.

Otherwise, Aric has stated the the next version is approaching completion pending final bug fixing.  So if you don't feel like worrying about it anymore, just check back in a few weeks.

(1 edit)

THANK YOU for this. I'd been browsing posts in an effort to find a fix, but with the sheer number of posts I'd have to wade through it would have taken me a while to stumble upon that particular post. Unfortunately while I am familiar enough with code to tinker with code already provided to me, I'm nowhere near skilled enough to try and fix the issue myself, and since I hadn't seen anyone else talking about it I figured that people just made do with the issue. Limiting the stress due to lactation is what I went for to make the game stay true to being realistic; I just really hated always having slave stress levels in the red despite maxed mansion luxury, sleeping in personal rooms, and selecting all the extra luxury options under a slave's page. I also can stop burning Mass Sedation in an effort to keep them alive while pregnant, as of course I chose Breeder background. Thanks again.

"lactationstops = false" Is on I could not find it.


If you could not find the file, it is in your mod folder with path "AricExp\AricsExpansionRebredv.08.1\AricsExpansion\scripts\aricsexpansion\".

If you could not find the value, it should be on line 23. The quotes are delimiters and not apart of the search.