(as of May 16, 2020)
CONTROLS: WASD moves you around, but you need to use Q/E to turn manually. Left-click shoots web; use this to attack other crawlers. Right-click turns on your screen once you get at least 1 signal; I'm not really sure what the point of this is, but it can help if you aren't sure what the most recent signal you got was.
1. Know what you're after. There are 5 different signals you need to collect. You can tell what signal any crawler has by looking at their screen. They will either have an Eye, a Nose, a pair of Lips, an open Mouth, or simply show Static.
2. You need headphones. The directional audio is very important in order to locate any targets or threats that are nearby. You can tell what type of crawler is nearby from the sound they make: white noise for Statics, low groaning for Mouths, wet smacking for Lips, and VERY quiet sniffing for Noses. Be very careful of Eyes; they do NOT make noise and can easily sneak up on you.
3. Don't try to take the signal of a crawler who is trying to attack you! Once you're spotted, that's it, and ANY contact with them will kill you instead of taking their signal. Just web 'em up so they aren't a threat, and leave them there, simple as that.
4. You can see farther away at an angle. Try moving your camera around; do you notice how much farther you can see towards the edge of the screen? You can use that to your advantage. When following the source of a sound, try and carefully inch close enough to check which way the crawler is facing, and position yourself so you come at them from behind. This can turn a head-on confrontation into an easy signal acquisition, or at the very least, one less threat to worry about. If you're vigilant with this, you can even prevent a potential surprise attack from the quieter crawler types, which are by far the biggest threat in this game, imo.
5. This will probably take a while. No matter how careful you are, there is ALWAYS the potential for an Eye crawler to come barreling out of the darkness towards you faster than you can even turn around and ruin your 4/5 run. However, if you're stubborn like me, hopefully this helps prevent that at least a little bit ;)
Good luck!