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I agree with NuggetMcHotdog. Very good use of the theme. I liked that it felt like I was using a real PC.

However in the platform minigames I could not get past the first level because it appeared to be broken. I tried the browser version so maybe the other versions are fine, but in the browser version I was hitting invisible walls, the first platform did not move and the enemy appeared to have no collision.

Also, the first jump was a jump of faith as you could not see if there was anything at the other side of the screen. I see that after a few deaths, clippy would suggest to maximize the screen, and that would allow yo to see where are you jumping, but if that was the intended design, maybe that suggestion should be the first one before it starts laughing how bad you are at the game :)

In any case, great entry and nice work! Keep it up!

(1 edit)

Thanks !

Oh, that's strange, I tested it and I thought it worked... I'm gonna check, thanks for telling me !

Yeah maybe I should have made him tell that at the beginning... I'll change that !