One of the wounding messages for enemies says "It's wounds are deep" -- that should be "its". There is also a typo of "ressources" during some spoil scenes.
This looks very professional, but is very simple as a game. Without visuals or other personality to the areas and enemies, there's not much incentive to keep exploring. I'm also not entirely sure how the combat works -- sometimes I'll get hit multiple times in a row even when I choose to fight. If there's some sort of miss mechanic, you should make sure to provide a message for that.
I like that you give the player feedback on how badly wounded the enemy is without explicitly showing HP. A big problem in a lot of these games is that I have no idea how strong the enemy is and whether I should retreat if the enemy's strength is totally opaque, but telling the player everything can make it too easy.
I've made a similar engine in Twine myself if you'd like to compare notes, though it's a pretty different focus (jRPG based instead of roguelike).
Would you be willing to share your source code for this engine?