It does feel like knocking onto people is inevitable but I do like the hectic nature of the airport.
Still gameplay wise it does feel a bit dry. I do like the idea of a runner game where knocking onto someone isn't a game over but rather slows you down while reaching the time limit but in practice I felt like I didn't have a lot of control for skillful play. I also didn't really care much about collecting the coins or anything.
I noticed that I still made my connecting flight even when the timer reached 0. Perhaps it's a bug or maybe a social statement about how we end to rush at an airport but airlines tend to be more lenient than we think.
I wish I had more control over the obstacles (let me shove an elderly old woman at the cost of my morality or something) but for the scope of the jam it works.
The art and animations are pretty nice and cute and I think the music served its purpose well of having that tension, especially when the timer went to 15 seconds. The art does remind me of a game like Citizens of Earth. I would love to see the style in an RPG or story-driven game. Kinda like Earthbound's aesthetic but without pixel art. I like it.
Overall I am not really sure what I'd do with the gameplay in particular but I think the aesthetic looks great. I enjoyed playing it for that. The controls are good for the gameplay too and I never felt frustrated by them