I noticed you used ren'py to create the game. Just note, usually its a good idea to link to the ren'py site as the program used to code the VN. (ie: renpy.org) and credit ren'py's creator renpytom in general for creating ren'py. (He has a twitter under that handle if it helps). - Just something to keep in mind.
I like the initial forest backdrop and the sounds of the audio adding to the effects of reading the text so far. Although, the blankness of the main menu threw me off a little, it was alright. I like the edit of effects on the cabin and all as well. It was short, but the words, seemed to hint at more. I got ending 3, in the end. I really liked the sprite of Amber, it was cute. Definitely nice for a quick game jam entry and nice job on coding the choices and audio, as well as the images in. I would have preferred backdrops to match the sprite, and maybe a few CGs for events, such as when the plate broken, but overall the feel was nicely paced and nicely done within the time limits.