Hello, what skill will character use to harm someone due to moral stress? Because there is no Provoke skill, will it be electrochemistry?
And something about stress. In the part about stress, you write that +5 skill to add 2 stress fields and consequences, and then you indicate +5 skill to add 3 stress and consequences.
> An Excellent skill (+5) or better also provides an extra space for moderate consequences. (p. 140)
> Valina's Volition is at +5, which provides you with three (3) additional Moral boxes ■ ■ ■. (p. 141)
Drugs. When character check elecrochemistry and get critical success - he has addiction - it is Extreme (-8) consequences?
>A critical success means, at any stage of consumption, immediate addiction (serious consequence). (p. 142)
Items. I cant understand second example of stunt - "ROUGON-MACQUART 0,9".
> Because I own almost all
the net worth among a
group of individuals, once
per session I can bend the
light around me. (p. 139)