Really nice game overall, and nice and evocative illustrations! Some comments and questions:
1. I assume that the faction's statistics are used for the opposed rolls (it says "whenever you roll the dice" but the statictics aren't mentioned again after the definition). In that case, does the "attacker" choose which stat is used for _both_ players, or can the "defender" choose whichever stat they want?
2. The table of free actions on page 20 is labelled 2d6, and it seems that those are the kind of dice used in the game... but the results are 1-12, instead of 2-12??
3. A "full" example would have been nice! Not a full game, but at least a full round.
4. How many players can play this game? Considering the mechanics of selecting a fabulist, it makes sense that it will be at least three, but I wonder if you have thought about an upper limit. Or maybe you think it should be at least 4, or whatever.