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This game is absolutely incredible, and it really captures the atmosphere of trying to find your friends while avoiding Siren Head once you've seen him for the first time. It's one of the greater Siren Head games, and I really love how he has this condescending attitude when mocking Freddy. A few issues, though: 

- It gets annoying having to watch the same opening cutscene every time I die. I'd like a Continue button or a 'Skip Cutscene' button added.

- Checkpoints for each task so that you don't have to re-do the entire game if you die right near the end.

- There's a REALLY annoying glitch where I'd randomly get hurt and die from Siren Head for no reason at all, even if he's nowhere near me.

- If you time the animations right, you can take out the flashlight and the gun at the same time. I tried pressing R to reload with this out and I couldn't shoot my gun.

- Siren Head randomly teleports everywhere, which is really confusing to me, since I don't know why it does that.

- I haven't seen Lamp Head at the time of writing this comment, and you wrote to use 'G' for the Flashlight, not F. You also said that using the flashlight on somethings or people will annoy them, despite the fact I haven't seen anyone or anything that the flashlight could annoy.

- You mention saving your own skin or saving your friends, but they're already dead. 

- I couldn't turn off the shadow graphic effect. 

- Flashlight has a weird 'light source stays behind and fades' effect.