Greta is the true antagonist of Minotaur Hotel. She's that one coworker nobody wants.
Real talk though, great update, exactly what I was waiting for. Can't wait for more of big boi Asterion. And more hugs 🤗
To comment on the R&D/Explore system: it's fine but I'll wait for more updates to it before completely judging it. I'll admit I was a little confused cuz I thought maybe assigning Asterion to Guests would get more guests in, but I don't think it had any effect aside from some dialogue changes. There is the obvious oversight of the dialogue acting like you haven't managed to set up internet when you already have. Also I don't know how Danger works, is it a random chance that increases with the number? Is 0 Danger completely safe? Is there a reason to R&D past 5/5 points or does it only count when the story requires you to research something?
I do think the lore drops are a nice addition, I'd like to read all of them eventually. Though it's easy to "reroll" and see any one you want by saving and loading right before the point where you obtain the drop, but that's not really a big deal imo.