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I absolutely love this game demo so far! How can I help? I would love to contribute to the project somehow. Are you thinking about releasing the source? Also, if you  want to record a better game-play video, simply send the quest ADB commands to raise the frame rate, resolution, and overall quality. You can also record sound through the headphone port for fairly cheap. Just google how to record higher resolution video on the quest. Thanks! Looking forward to hearing back from you...

Hello, sorry for the late answer. Thanks for trying the game and its even better that you enjoyed it;) I've tried playing around with the capture settings through ADB. Recording 16:9 video is tempting but it just crops to much of the vertical FOV. But I'll try to bump up the resolution next time. As for contributing to the project. Its always really helpful with feedback, especially regarding things you found annoying or not working so well. I've set up a Discord channel if you wanna come in and talk more in detail