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This is an interesting board game idea - reminds me of a few video games I've tried, and I think it could be fun to see in play. I also really like the idea of having different evolutionary trees for different players. 

The game looks pretty simple and quite funny; I'm not a sharp enough analyst of board games to get a sense if it's rightly balanced and the various mechanisms intersect nicely just from reading it, admittedly.  As it is, it maybe looks a bit too linear, but further iterations can also add complexity if necessary. 

As it is, the game's text is a bit confusing; I had to refer back and forth a couple times to get a good idea of the flow of play. The explanation themselves are quite clear, but the text's order is not super helpful: the initial description of the flow of one turn is a bit difficult to understand because the reader doesn't yet know what most of those terms mean in this context. Still, nothing that a good round of editing can't fix.