Great work fellows! Love the art style, love the hand-drawn look. Your next game should definitely should be more hand-drawn style.
In terms of the gameplay, here are some thoughts.
- What’s my goal? Am I just aimlessly exploring my previous home since I passed away? Am I getting the attention of my family?
- What does the fear meter on the top have to do with anything? I understood the purpose, I just don’t understand how it fits in with the overall gameplay.
- I am an apparition, but I can’t go through walls, doors, or floors? Seems a bit strange. Perhaps you could have some effects with the same color as the character so every time you hit the edge you get some sort of visual feedback. And a sound effect to tell the player that they are limited to a certain space.
I think that it should be more linear, perhaps starting off in one room first, figuring out the puzzle there first before moving on to the next.
Overall ART : 10/10 SOUND DESIGN : 8 /10 GAME DESIGN : 4/10 CONTROLS : 7/10 STORY : 6/10