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Right now DMBD! only supports local multi-player. If you have another controller plugged in 1-3 other players can join whenever you're at your camp or in the entrance to a dungeon.

Thanks for playing! Keep up to date with development for updates on online multi-player.


is there going to be any non local multiplayer added in the near future?

Hey Snazzbits,

Yes an Online Multiplayer will be added soon after the release on playstation in May,

Thanks for the support, stay tuned,


do you need to be in the same pc or you can use seprate pc's?

Same PC currently, it will be added to playstation which allow multiplayer!

I try to play w/ 2 xbox1 controllers w/ my brother however the game will randomly despawn our characters and respawn them (and duplicates) at the home base w/ loss of health.

Hey MrKrabs,

I'll try my best to look into this and fix the problems as soon as I possibly can,


Is there an exact date for the PlayStation release yet or is that still to be announced?

I'd also like to thank you guys for making this free to play. As soon as it becomes available for Ps4 I'm going to donate. Good developers deserve support.

when are they adding online multiplayer cause its on playstion and its not here

First off, I just want to start by saying that I love your game and am very excited to see how it progresses over time. I know that you are working hard on this game, but just wanted to ask if you have an approximation on your online multiplayer release time?
